Friday, June 24, 2011



1.  将燕窝用蒸馏水(RO)喷湿,然后用湿布包裹,放入朔胶透明盒里,再放入冰箱4小时以上。

2.  将燕窝从冰箱(是冷藏室,不是结冰格)拿出来刷一刷,这时候燕窝已发涨1倍以上。

3.  用人工将燕毛与杂物剔除,记得别把倆边的燕窝脚给剪掉,因为如果剪掉后燕窝容易散开。

4.  将清理好的燕窝用膜型与衣夹定型。

5.  将定型好的燕窝放入已加入蒸馏水的超音波清洗机机曹上,开电,超音震动。

6.  将清洗好的燕窝连衣夹定型的膜型,放在开了电的灯泡下,用凤扇吹干即可。


In actual fact, the use of ultrasonic waves to cleanse bird's nests is both efficient and effective, it only requires 1 ultrasonic wave device. The actual physical work invovled in cleaning the nest still requires manual labour.

1. Moisten the nest with RO solution, before wrapping it up with a damp cloth, insert it into a empty translucent container, and refrigerate the container for up to 4 hours.

2. Remove bird's nest from refrigerator, scrub it a little, this will allow the bird's nest to expand to twice its size.

3. Use manual labour to remove visible feather fragments and contaminants, remember to cut out both ends of the nests, this allows the nests to break down easily.

4. Use the mould and clothes pegs to fixate the shape and size of the bird's nest pieces.

5. Insert the moulded pieces into the ultrasonic wave device for the process.

6. Place the entire mould under a light bulb, use an electronic fan to dry.

This is just my suggested way of cleansing and drying the bird's nests, I hope you find it useful.


  1. what is the price of the ultrasonic wave device ?

  2. I am also asking the price of the ultrasonic wave device ? How clean does it perform on the swiftlet's nest because you say the actual physical work invovled in cleaning the nest still requires manual labour.
