Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011



1.  将燕窝用蒸馏水(RO)喷湿,然后用湿布包裹,放入朔胶透明盒里,再放入冰箱4小时以上。

2.  将燕窝从冰箱(是冷藏室,不是结冰格)拿出来刷一刷,这时候燕窝已发涨1倍以上。

3.  用人工将燕毛与杂物剔除,记得别把倆边的燕窝脚给剪掉,因为如果剪掉后燕窝容易散开。

4.  将清理好的燕窝用膜型与衣夹定型。

5.  将定型好的燕窝放入已加入蒸馏水的超音波清洗机机曹上,开电,超音震动。

6.  将清洗好的燕窝连衣夹定型的膜型,放在开了电的灯泡下,用凤扇吹干即可。


In actual fact, the use of ultrasonic waves to cleanse bird's nests is both efficient and effective, it only requires 1 ultrasonic wave device. The actual physical work invovled in cleaning the nest still requires manual labour.

1. Moisten the nest with RO solution, before wrapping it up with a damp cloth, insert it into a empty translucent container, and refrigerate the container for up to 4 hours.

2. Remove bird's nest from refrigerator, scrub it a little, this will allow the bird's nest to expand to twice its size.

3. Use manual labour to remove visible feather fragments and contaminants, remember to cut out both ends of the nests, this allows the nests to break down easily.

4. Use the mould and clothes pegs to fixate the shape and size of the bird's nest pieces.

5. Insert the moulded pieces into the ultrasonic wave device for the process.

6. Place the entire mould under a light bulb, use an electronic fan to dry.

This is just my suggested way of cleansing and drying the bird's nests, I hope you find it useful.

Monday, June 20, 2011


                                                             电炖盅 Electric slow cooker










1. What is the Water Separation Cooker? What is the Difference?

Ans: The concept of water separation is to include all the items to be cooked in a little container, before putting it in a larger pot. The larger pot is then filled with water to start the boiling.

Because the boiling water is separated from the actual cooked items, we call this a special technique. This technique uses warm water to heat up the little pot and its contents. This way, the temperature is maintained at 100degrees celcius. This method is suitable for protecting and keeping the essence and nutrients of more expensive ingredients.

2. How long is the cooking process?

Ans: For bird's nest, I would recommend cooking it for 1 hour. Other soup items should be ready within 2 hours. Food items may require up to 3 hours cooking time.

3. Importance if timing function.

Ans: When the timing function is set, the cooker will switch itself to temperature rentention mode after the time has been expended.

4. Capacity of contents?

Ans: Approximately 2 bowls, enough consumption for 1 person. For bird's nest with herbs, enough consumption for 2 persons.

The above is just some information for everyone to reference and use. There is no commercial interest intended.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


 英文:.ultrasonic (waves);   supersonic (waves)    超声波

科学家们将每秒钟振动的次数称为声音的频率,它的单位是赫兹。我们人类耳朵能听到的声波频率为20~20000Hz。当声波的振动频率大于20KHz或小于20Hz时,我们便听不见了。因此,我们把频率高于20000赫兹的声波称为“超声波”。通常用于医学诊断的超声波频率为1~5兆赫兹。   理论研究表明,在振幅相同的条件下,一个物体振动的能量与振动频率成正比,超声波在介质中传播时,介质质点振动的频率很高,因而能量很大.在北方干燥的冬季,如果把超声波通入水罐中,剧烈的振动会使罐中的水破碎成许多小雾滴,再用小风扇把雾滴吹入室内,就可以增加室内空气湿度.这就是超声波加湿器的原理.如咽喉炎、气管炎等疾病,很难利用血流使药物到达患病的部位.利用加湿器的原理,把药液雾化,让病人吸入,能够提高疗效.利用超声波巨大的能量还可以使人体内的结石做剧烈的受迫振动而破碎,从而减缓病痛,达到治愈的目的。超声波在医学方面应用非常广泛,像现在的彩超、B超、碎石(例如胆结石、肾结石祛眼袋 之类的)等。
An ultrasonic cleaner, sometimes called a sonicator, is a cleaning device that uses ultrasound (usually from 20–400 kHz) and an appropriate cleaning solvent (sometimes ordinary tap water) to clean delicate items. The ultrasound can be used with only water but solvent is advised; it enhances the effect of a solvent appropriate for the item to be cleaned and the soiling.

Ultrasonic cleaners are often used to clean jewellery, lenses and other optical parts, watches, dental and surgical instruments, fountain pens, industrial parts and electronic equipment. They are used in many jewellery workshops, watchmakers' establishments, and electronic repair workshops.


超音波清洗机,用于清洗五金、塑胶零件表面的机器   超音波清洗机主要由超音波发生器和超音波换能器组成,超声波换能器是由锆钛酸铅压电陶瓷材料制造的夹芯式换能器,压电陶瓷材料具有在电场作用下发生尺寸变化的现象,在交变电场的作用下换能器会产生机械振动。


1)频率:≥20KHz ,可以分为低频,中频,高频3段。2)清洗介质:采用超声波清洗,一般两类清洗剂:化学溶剂、水基清洗剂。 清洗介质的化学作用,可以加速超声波清洗效果,超声波清洗是物理作用,两种作用相结合,以对物件进行充分、彻底的清洗。   3)功率密度:功率密度=发射功率(W)/发射面积(cm2)通常≥0.3W/cm2,超声波的功率密度越高,空化效果越强,速度越快,清洗效果越好。但对于精密的、表面光洁度甚高的物件,采用长时间的高功率密度清洗会对物件表面产生空化腐蚀。   4)超声波频率:超声波频率越低,在液体中产生的空化越容易,产生的力度大,作用也越强,适用于工件(粗、脏)初洗。频率高则超声波方向性强,适用于精细的物件清洗。   5)清洗温度:一般来说,超声波在30℃-40℃时的空化效果最好。清洗剂则温度越高,作用越显著。通常实际应用超声波时,采用50℃-70℃的工作温度。

相比其它多种的清洗方式,超声波清洗机显示出了巨大的优越性。尤其在专业化、集团化的生产企业中,已逐渐用超声波清洗机取代了传统浸洗、刷洗、压力冲洗、振动清洗和蒸气清洗等工艺方法。超声波清洗机的高效率和高清洁度,得益于其声波在介质中传播时产生的穿透性和空化冲击波。所以很容易将带有复杂外形、内腔和细空的零部件清洗干净,对一般的除油、防锈、磷化等工艺过程,在超声波作用下只需两三分钟即可完成,其速度比传统方法可提高几倍到几十倍,清洁度也能达到高标准,这在许多对产品表面质量和生产率要求较高的场合,更突出地显示了用其它处理方法难以达到或不可取代的结果。   归纳其优点如下:   (1)清洗速度快,清洗效果好,清洁度高,工件清洁度一致,对工件表面无损伤。   (2)不须人手接触清洗液,安全可靠对深孔、细缝和工件隐蔽处亦清洗干净。   (3)节省溶剂、热能、工作场地和人工等。   (4)清洗精度高,可以强有力的清洗微小的污渍颗粒.

Friday, June 10, 2011


    燕窝含促进细胞分裂的激素和表皮生长因子,能促进细胞再生,增强免疫能力,增加身体对其他放射线损害的抵御能力 。                                                                                                                

This is a Bird Nest Themed Specialty Restaurant and Eatery in Xiamen, China, it emcompasses a Chinese theme in its setting and ambience. This also shows that the bird nest trade in China is slowing maturing and growing, much like the emergence of swiftlet houses in Malaysia, the beauty and charm of the swiftlets is indeed unstoppable.
Birs's nests consist of stimulants which speed up cell replacement and external skin growth stimulants. It promotes cell regeneration, increasing our bodies' resistance to radiation damage and improves our immune system.
Bird's nests are also abundant in collagen, a large supply of particle neutrons, amino acids, natural glucose, organic sugar and vitamins. It is extremely nutritious and is good for complexion, anti-aging, and cools the body from heatiness. It is also used as a cough remedy. It is very useful indeed.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011


这个June 6月的燕窝生产季节才到收割期,不过有些燕农已开始收割大约70%小燕子刚刚飞离巢的燕窝了。这个生产收成季节可算是大丰收. 不过价格回软一些些.。是因为我们的邻国有如印尼,泰国等,同时也是大丰收。货源超级充足,自然价格回软,对燕窝加工与收购商可是大好商机,身为养燕人当然希望价格能赶快回升。

June will be the month for our big harvests. However, some swiftlet farmers have already started the extraction of bird's nests. Approximately 70% of baby swiftlets have already left their nests. Although this is the season for a big harvest, the prices may face a slight reduction. The reason for this reduction is simply because of increased supply. Our neighbours in Indonesia, and Thailand are also experiencing the harvest season. As supply increases, price automatically regulates itself downwards. This is a major opportunity for bird's nest processing and wholesalers of nests. As a swiftlet farmer, we are all wishing for the prices to rebound as soon as possible.