Friday, May 20, 2011


 由于有些燕屋已有5年的关系,喷雾机的年龄也大了。有如上几期我所提起的喷雾机生病了,用了这么多年的老家伙,真的有点舍不得把它给换掉。早期就有商家生产了这个款式的4头冠. 由于价钱的关系,一再观望到现今。如今这款4头喷雾管头冠,价格已甚低了,装配又容易。所以有考虑都为它们加冠升级,也有如自己也升了级当到皇上般的,所以就命它的美丽名为“THE ROYAL HUMIDIFIER. 皇冠喷雾机”了。
大家都知道,这个款式的喷雾机 所喷出来的水雾没那么细,也没有导向,都是往上喷,对燕屋内的燕板,燕窝等等,都容易发霉,腐烂,而且范为围有限。记得我所建过的其中一间燕屋,燕屋主人甚至还特别在喷雾机上面加了一个铁架子,架子上还加了辛片瓦,好让水雾往4方8面喷。试想想作为这一位燕屋主人的想法与远见,真的叫我佩服的五体投地,敬佩,敬佩,而且这还是5年前的故事了,真的是大家应该学習的对象。
另外要提的是,请大家仔细的观看第8张相片,这就是我每次都使用的在喷雾机里的喷雾剂加上了燕屋方香剂“SWIFTLET'S AROMA”的相关相片了。希望我个人的想法会带给大家对于燕屋企业家,燕屋屋主,燕窝与燕屋发烧友们的苦与乐,更带来了一份勤奋的启发与开拓更大的想象的空间。谢谢。。。。

After 5 years, the humidifier has gotten old. Like I mentioned previously, the humidifiers are begging for a good repair job. After I have gotten attached to these humidifiers and find it hard to dispose of them.There are earlier reports about a new add-on device which have 4 barrels protruding in different directions. However, due to the high price, I have only been a spectator instead of a user. Today, the price has gotten more reasonable, it is also easy to install. Due to the unique, regal look of the crown like structure, I have dubbed this, the Royal Humidifier.

This model of humidifier does not release the finest stream of water vapour, also, there is no directional change, it only releases upwards, this is not the best situation because of the potential degrading of the wooden structures in the birdhouse. I remember a previous experience with an intelligent owner who added a device to the humidifier to both increase the area of effectiveness of the humidifer, and also divert the direction of the vapour release. What a smart and brilliant idea! This story from 5 years ago can still be used today.

As you may be able to see from picture 8, I have added swiftlet's aroma into the humidifier to try to increase the effectiveness of the device. Owning, building and developing a swiftlet house requires imagination, creativity and effort. I wish one and all the very best of luck and kudos for your dedication.

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