Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Pure Wet Bird's Nest 纯正湿燕窝

这是在所拍摄的燕屋,燕子,燕窝中,最满意的其中一张相片了。因为是在雨天的关系,燕屋屋顶漏水了,燕窝几乎淋湿以致发胀了好几倍,幸好还没有小鸟。这种情况下,唯一可做到的是。。等,等,等。等到天气热的时候钻进天花板,爬到屋顶上补漏,千万别把燕窝给拔了。小心看一看这个燕窝,它的根基是很稳固的,而且还在那位置繁殖了好几代。在这里,养燕业这行非常辛苦。要遇到天敌,如鸟鹰,猫头鹰,蛇,壁虎,老鼠等,而且还有没真正规划的关系与常识,加上邻居的投诉 ,政府方面的取缔,使我们这一行,成为了非法一族。还有如果燕窝商能与燕屋商能好好配合与交流,大家的货色与价格都能统一,互惠互利,绝对双赢。

This is a photo taken at a swiftlet house. It is the most pleasing photo i currently possess amongst my many photos of swiftlets and swiftlet houses. Due to the rainy conditions, the roof is leaking, the birds nest has also expanded due to water rentention. Thankfully, there are no little swiftlets here. In this situation, the only thing we can do.. is to wait. We have to wait for the weather to improve, and make repairs to the leak on the roof. We should never remove the bird's nests.

If we look carefully at the nest, it is secured tightly, this location has also been used to breed several generations. Swiftlet farming is a tough line, apart from natural predators like eagles, owls, snakes, lizards and rats, we have to understand the laws and reglations, endure the neighbourhood complaints and potential government interference. We have even been viewed as an illegal trade. If we develop a synery, and compromise to provide for a standardised price and quality, it will definitely be a win win situation.

Friday, May 20, 2011


 由于有些燕屋已有5年的关系,喷雾机的年龄也大了。有如上几期我所提起的喷雾机生病了,用了这么多年的老家伙,真的有点舍不得把它给换掉。早期就有商家生产了这个款式的4头冠. 由于价钱的关系,一再观望到现今。如今这款4头喷雾管头冠,价格已甚低了,装配又容易。所以有考虑都为它们加冠升级,也有如自己也升了级当到皇上般的,所以就命它的美丽名为“THE ROYAL HUMIDIFIER. 皇冠喷雾机”了。
大家都知道,这个款式的喷雾机 所喷出来的水雾没那么细,也没有导向,都是往上喷,对燕屋内的燕板,燕窝等等,都容易发霉,腐烂,而且范为围有限。记得我所建过的其中一间燕屋,燕屋主人甚至还特别在喷雾机上面加了一个铁架子,架子上还加了辛片瓦,好让水雾往4方8面喷。试想想作为这一位燕屋主人的想法与远见,真的叫我佩服的五体投地,敬佩,敬佩,而且这还是5年前的故事了,真的是大家应该学習的对象。
另外要提的是,请大家仔细的观看第8张相片,这就是我每次都使用的在喷雾机里的喷雾剂加上了燕屋方香剂“SWIFTLET'S AROMA”的相关相片了。希望我个人的想法会带给大家对于燕屋企业家,燕屋屋主,燕窝与燕屋发烧友们的苦与乐,更带来了一份勤奋的启发与开拓更大的想象的空间。谢谢。。。。

After 5 years, the humidifier has gotten old. Like I mentioned previously, the humidifiers are begging for a good repair job. After I have gotten attached to these humidifiers and find it hard to dispose of them.There are earlier reports about a new add-on device which have 4 barrels protruding in different directions. However, due to the high price, I have only been a spectator instead of a user. Today, the price has gotten more reasonable, it is also easy to install. Due to the unique, regal look of the crown like structure, I have dubbed this, the Royal Humidifier.

This model of humidifier does not release the finest stream of water vapour, also, there is no directional change, it only releases upwards, this is not the best situation because of the potential degrading of the wooden structures in the birdhouse. I remember a previous experience with an intelligent owner who added a device to the humidifier to both increase the area of effectiveness of the humidifer, and also divert the direction of the vapour release. What a smart and brilliant idea! This story from 5 years ago can still be used today.

As you may be able to see from picture 8, I have added swiftlet's aroma into the humidifier to try to increase the effectiveness of the device. Owning, building and developing a swiftlet house requires imagination, creativity and effort. I wish one and all the very best of luck and kudos for your dedication.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011




      ICONYX可导向阵列扬声器除具有超强的指向的功能、最优覆盖、声音均匀外,独有的修长垂直外观和典雅的银白色更是令人赏心悦目,优美时尚的外观与古典或现代的建筑风格都能得到很好的融合,其修长的“体形”可以结合建筑的特点将音箱“隐藏”起来,不但不会破坏原有的建筑风格,还会为整体环境增添 亮 点。                                                                                                                                                                     
    RH research and development department's manufacture of ICONYX multi columned directional oriented array speakers system has been launched. It is widely recognised and known in the industry and the market. It provides a solution for large halls, Exhibition Center, Churches, sports venues and other large volume places. Reverberation time problems are eliminated, and obvious declines in music definition are also reduced. For listening in high reverberation spaces, it provides for more clear mode of languages and transparent, crystal clear music.

               ICONYX oriented array speaker experience the power of digital technology, full digital Class D amplifier, backed by the powerful DSP (digital signal processing) engine control and runs unique algorithms to ensure that sound energy is concentrated onto where it is needed. At the same time, ICONYX oriented array loudspeaker system processes carefully detailed DSP processing throughout the effective projection range to provide a uniform, constant sound pressure level.

              ICONYX oriented array column speakers has super strong of links to directional function, and optimal cover, and external uniformity of sound, its unique, slender vertical appearance and the elegance of silver finishing provides a feast for the eyes. Its sleekappearance will go down well with a classical or modern building style and is good for fusion. Its slender shape can blend with combination buildingand allow the speaker to be hidden up or concealed, not only does it not damage the original building style, it will also promote overall environment hiaesthetic appeal.


Sunday, May 15, 2011



To my knowledge, swiftlets are wildlife which reside in caves and are a protected species of the world. However, in recent years, swiftlets are increasingly being found in houses as pets, like chickens, ducks, dogs and other feathered creatures. If we manage to classify golden swiftlets as a domesticated species, the possibilities are unlimited. The swiftlet industry has also had a ripple effect on several other industries, like the manufacturing, construction, processing, exporting and packaging industries. I hope everyone will be successful in this venture.

As a swiftlet enthusiast and investor, we have to follow closely the regulations being set up by the authorities. Swiftlet houses are not allowed to be located in houses, historical relics, lower levels of shops, condominiums and etc.The speakers will have to face 40degrees upwards towards the sky. External sounds should be only operational from 7am to 7pm, the volume should be controlled. Internal sound volume should also be controlled and 24 hour usage is acceptable. To deal with the swiftlet droppings, and regular clearing of pests should also be practised. This can help prevent pests from breeding and also prevent viruses and diseases from spreading due to the decomposition of droppings. For more details, please refer to the official guidelines provided.

Think about it, regardless of what species it is, they have the desire to survive, to live and to grow. The aim of animals parent are to develop their next generation, and nurture them to grow. However, humans have destroyed their habitats through pollution. We only have 1 Earth, we should protect it, take care of these species, and understand the importance of caring for the environment.                                                         

Saturday, May 14, 2011




Hopefully, we can have the Satu Garis Panduan (1GP) soon.

1. Pada 1 April 2009, Kerajaan telah memutuskan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar
(JPV) dilantik sebagai agensi peneraju bagi merancang pembangunan industri
burung walit di negara ini. Berikutan dari arahan itu, JPV telah melaksanakan
usaha-usaha menyelaras undang-undang dan peraturan beserta garis panduan
yang menjadi wadah utama untuk memantapkan Industri Walit keseluruhannya.
Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani menerusi JPV telah mengambil
beberapa tindakan bagi pembangunan industri burung walit seperti:
(i) menyediakan satu Garis Panduan (1GP) Pembangunan Industri Burung
Walit Negara yang menyeluruh untuk diguna pakai oleh pelbagai agensi
yang terlibat bertujuan untuk menyelaras dan mengharmonikan pelbagai
peraturan pelaksanaan aktiviti penternakan dan pemprosesan serta
kegiatan import dan eksport sarang burung walit agar ia lebih tersusun
dan berdaya maju; dan
(ii) menyediakan Kerangka Pelan Induk Pembangunan Industri Burung
Oleh : Jabatn Perkhidmatan Veterinar Negeri Selandgor.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Yesterday, we went to a few bird houses to take photos of the swiftlet's growth. They have grown quickly and strongly. These swiftlets are still not fully grown and are unable to fly, I believe these swiftlets will be ready in another 10 days.

Recently, we have been installing the loudspeakers and testing the sound systems. We are also increasing the aroma content in the houses. The whole process of preparing the house also includes the clearing of swiftlet droppings, the removing of pests like ants, and attaching more paper bird nest mock cups on the plywood to attract more swiftlets.  



Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The Acacia Magium is a very common tree in Malaysia. We can easily find this tree in parks, beside our roads and amongst the lush greenery. Whenever the tree blooms, there are flowers which attracts plenty of flying insects. These insects are drawn to its pollen which is an excellent source of food. This phenomenon in turn attracts several swiftlets as well. The flying insects provide food and prey for the swiftlets.

Whenever you have the opportunity, I urge one and all to stop, take a step back and marvel at this beautiful natural sight.
