Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Swiftlet's House Humidifier Systems 燕屋喷雾器

It is essential to use Humidifier systems in swiftlet's houses. There are several uses for a humidifier system. Firstly, the humidifier seeks to regulate the temperature in the birdhouse. A conducive temperature is important to keep the swiftlets comfortable and happy in the birdhouse.
Secondly, the humidity level can be monitored.


The humidifier system shown in the 1st picture above has been fitted with a double barrelled exhaust device. This can attempt to prevent the water from reaching the swiftlet's planks and surrounding walls, as the water may wet these walls and cause fungus to appear.


After the humidifier is set in motion, we can clearly see that the ring of water has appeared around the humidifier.


Here are some damaged humidifier systems which I will be sending for servicing before returning them to their positions.


I am going to share a secret formula with you. Apart from using regular water in the humidifier systems to regulate temperature and humidity, we can add in our Swifltet's Aroma extract into the systems, this way, we can continuously keep the birdhouse attractive to swiftlets.



  1. 嗨,我的喷雾器坏了,请问有得维修吗?

  2. Hi 我要买喷雾器 可以联系我吗?01112246110
