Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Origin of Edible Bird's Nest.食用燕窝由来。


明时李时珍撰本草纲目,应陈懋仁撰泉南杂技,对燕窝的叙述:『闽之远海近番处,有燕名金丝者。首尾似燕而甚小,毛如金丝。临卵育子时群飞进汐砂泥有石处,啄蠶螺食。有询海商,闻之土番云,蠶螺背上肉有两肋如逢蠶丝,坚洁而白,食之可补虚损,以劳痢。故此燕食之,肉化而肋不化,并律液呕出,结为小窝附石上。久之,与小雏鼓翼而飞,海人依时拾之,故曰燕窝』。在西方,燕窝则被称为“Edible Bird’s Nest”, 意思就是『可吃的鸟巢』。

According to the ancient Chinese Medical Journal, the birthline of Bird's nest has a long illustrious history. The ancestral roots of swiftlets originate from the golden swiftlet. Swiftlets swarm and feed on a variety of prey, before their mating and reproduction. Before the mating, a process of nest building is practised on variety of surfaces, through the natural bodily secretions from a swiftlet's mouth. As time passed by, the Edible Bird's nest was generated.


The common swiftlets in the world live in the northern hemisphere, mostly in China, India, Europe and North America. These swiftlets use twigs, tender grass and mud to create their nests. These nests possess no ntritional value, and are not the nests being recorded in the Chinese Medical Journal.

古时所载之燕窝为金丝燕(Colloclia, 俗称Swiftlet),属雨燕科。金丝燕比我们常见的燕子体型较小些,背部羽毛呈灰褐色,带有金丝光泽,翅膀尖而长,体型呈弧月形,四个脚趾都朝前生长。此燕的喉部有很发达的黏液腺,所分泌的唾液可在空气中凝成固体,是它们筑巢的只要材料。

The nests which are of nutritional value are created by Colloclia, or Swiftlets, belonging to a specific of swiftlet family. These swiftlets are slighter in size, its fur is brownish grey, with a tinge of gold. Its wings are sharper and longer, creating a crescent body structure. Its claws grow outwards. As these swiftlets have well developed saliva glands, they can produce secretions which harden in room temperature, this secretion is what they use to build their nests.


These golden swiftlets have 3 reproductive seasons (March - June, June to October, November - March). In general ,they lay 2 eggs per season. Daily, the swiftlets fly out to the sea and the skies, feeding on fish, plankton, or insects and organisms in the open fields. After digestion, they locate a suitable location in a cave or cliff wall and use their saliva to create their nests. This process takes 20 days. The completed nest is only used to nurse and incubate the eggs, the swiftlets do not stay in them. During extraction, the nest extractors will not harm the birds or eggs, they await patiently for the swiftlets to leave before extraction.


According to historians, the pioneer of nest consmption was the voyager, Cheng Ho, which ultimately led to a great influx of other chinese eaters. On one fateful voyage, Cheng Ho and his crew were stranded on an island on the Malay Archipelago, due to a severe shortage, the crew found and extracted the bird's nests for his consumption. After the cleansing, boiling and consumption for days, the crewmen were found to be in the pink of health, with an improved bodily functioning ability. Upon his return, Cheng Ho presented the miraculous discovery to the Emperor, leading to the delicacy being a sacred item consumed only in royalty and castles.


The earliest recording of bird's nests in literature was in a Medical Journal, it mentions that the delicacy is beneficial to the lungs and stomach, and is a premium food item. It also states that the lasrgest exporter of the nests was Batawelia (modern day Jakarta), the stock is exported to China. The timeline is similar to that of Cheng Ho's expedition.


However, there were also contradictory views, documents from the Tang Dynasty have mentioned the presence of bird's nests in consumption. It is evident that the bird's nests have also been consumed and extracted before the time of Cheng Ho. However, most historians agree that even if Cheng Ho was not the first Chinese consumer of bird's nest, he was the first person who presented the delicacy to royalty, and the pioneer who led to the rapid rise in value and respect for the Bird's Nest.

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