Friday, February 5, 2010


The swiftlet's killer. OWL was here in the bird house last few nights, that means, maybe the hole of entrance or loading bay is too big, or maybe the extenal sound was still on or too loud after 8p.m. Be careful of this kind of bird (Maybe eagle and others), once it's come, it will kill the swiftlets and sometime take them away and eat. Swiftlets are very sensitive with the smell. Before the owl ambrush, it likes to stand on the hole of entrance, then see through the environment of bird's house. After it's left, the smell of owl will still remain there. This will make the swiftlets become less and less. Don't watse the time, and don't wait. Clean up now, tune your sound system to a lower volume, set your external sound timer to switch off early and then spray the aroma (only the wall and the entrance, but not the plank).

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