Saturday, March 17, 2012


3月份,燕子正在孵蛋。一般上,燕窝太久了,干了,燕子们也会把它给淘汰。天然界本来就潜在着一股美丽无比的力量,维护了大自然的定律,整体来说燕窝是可以用的。某些人出錯了,還帶壞了市場也帶壞了國家名聲,大家都受到這一次燕窩風暴的打擊,對燕窩的市場以及出口的心思都給搞垮了,還能坐以待斃嗎? 希明天會更好,也希望大家能寄一些以美麗可愛燕窩有關的相片及種種,讓大家分享。   一 jblim 2012-03-17.

It is March and the swiftlets are incubating the eggs. In most cases, once the swiftlet nests have reached a certain age, they will dry up and become abandoned by the swiftlets. Nature is indeed a huge mystical force, which protects its rhythm and flow.

In general, these swiftlet nests are usable. A few merchants may have made mistakes, resulting in the affecting of a county's reputation in swiftlet dealings. No one is spared the impact of this swiftlet saga, from the swiftlet nest market to its export potential, everything has been dealt a blow. Should we just wait and allow the situation to improve itself? Here's to a better tomorrow, and hoping that everyone can send in some of your beautiful swiftlet pictures, display your love for the swiftlets, share it with everyone else.